Jamal ud-Din Yaqut (also Yakut) was an AfricanSiddislave-turned-nobleman who was a close confidant of Razia Sultana, the first and only female monarch of the Delhi Sultanate in India. Yakub was the puppet of Razia Sultan's stepmother but after sometime he became a trustworthy soldier of Delhi Sultanate. Razia Sultana's patronage made him an influential member of the court, provoking racial antagonism amongst the nobles and clergy, who were both primarily Turkic and already resentful of the rule of a female monarchy.

But Razia was not done yet. She played an astute political card and married Altunia, thus bringing him to her side. Then the husband-wife duo proceeded to Delhi to fight against Bahram Shah, the. Rohit Purohit has been finalised to play the role of Razia Sultan's husband Altunia for an upcoming TV show based on the legendary lady. If we recall Razia Sultan was the only woman ruler of the. Malik Ikhtiyar-ud-din Altunia was the lover and husband of Razia Sultan and the governor of Bhatinda (Punjab) in India under the rule of the Delhi Sultanate under the Mamluk Sultanate.

Ethnic background[edit]

Razia Sultan Husband Name

Jamal ud-Din Yaqut lived during the time of the Sultan Iltutmish and then Razia Sultana, sometime from 1200 to 1240 CE, when he was slain in a revolt against Razia Sultana.[1] Yaqut was a habshi - habshis were enslaved Africans of East African descent frequently employed by Muslim monarchs in India for their reputed physical prowess and loyalty and as such were an important part of the armies and administration of the Delhi Sultanate.[2]


Yaqut rose in the ranks of the Delhi court, and found favour with the first female monarch of the Mamluk dynasty, Razia Sultana. Yaqut soon became a close advisor and was widely rumoured in the court and amongst the nobles to be the queen's lover. Contemporary historians were also conflicted in their assessment — many including Ibn Battuta record that their relationship was illicit and too intimate in public, but others assert that Yaqut was just a close advisor and friend.[3] A particular incident that provoked the rumors was when Yaqut was observed sliding his arms under the queen's armpits to hoist her onto a horse, which was seen as a flagrant act of intimacy.[1] This charge too was proven to be false[4] later as historians argued that Razia always rode an elephant in public and not a horse. His power and influence grew through his close relationship with Razia Sultana, who appointed him to the important post of superintendent of the royal stables, giving a loyalist an important post and challenging the power of the Muslim nobles and orthodox leaders.[3] She awarded him the honorific title Amir-al-Khayl (Amir of Horses) and later the much higher Amir al-Umara (Amir of Amirs), much to the consternation and outrage of the Turkish nobility.[1] Already resented for being a woman ruler by the Muslim nobles and clerics, Razia's proximity to an Abyssinian slave (considered racially inferior to the Turkish nobles who ruled the Sultanate) alienated the nobility and clerics and soon provoked open rebellion and conspiracy.[3] It is argued that the rumors spread by the nobles about her affair with Yaqut were false and was done so to bring about her downfall .

A rebellion led by Malik Ikhtiar-ud-din Altunia, the governor of Bhatinda (Punjab) broke out against Razia and Yaqut; fearing a siege, Razia and Yaqut chose to go out of Delhi to engage the rebels. Forces loyal to Razia and Yaqut were routed by Altunia; Yaqut was killed and Razia was captured and imprisoned at Batinda by Altunia and later married . However, Razia and Altunia was subsequently killed in battle against her step brother Muiz ud din Bahram, who had usurped the throne of Delhi in Razia's absence.

In popular culture[edit]

Dharmendra played the lead role of Yaqut and Hema Malini as Razia Sultan in a Hindi movie of the same name, written and directed by Kamal Amrohi, in 1983 with soulful music composed by Khayyam. Saurabh Pandey played the role of Yaqut in & TV show Razia Sultan

See also[edit]


  1. ^ abcMernessi, Fatima (1997). The Forgotten Queens of Islam. University of Minnesota Press. p. 97. ISBN0-8166-2439-9.
  2. ^Encyclopædia Britannica
  3. ^ abcMahajan, V. D. (2001). History of Medieval India. S. Chand. p. 102. ISBN81-219-0364-5.
  4. ^Sheikh, Majid (2017-04-30). 'Yaqut the habshi slave of Lahore and Razia Sultana'. DAWN.COM. Retrieved 2018-04-17.
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Malik Ikhtiyar-ud-din Altunia was a ruler of Bengal[citation needed] and Bhatinda (Punjab) and was the lover and husband of Razia Sultan and a military general of the Delhi Sultanate under the Mamluk Dynasty.

Mirza Altunia born was Something around 1204 at Bhatinda , Punjab

SpouseRazia Sultan
Died13 October 1240

Delhi, India

ReligionSunni Islam

Early life[edit]

He was given the charge of sharab-dar [office the care of the liquors] and after sometime when Sultan Itutmish saw the bravey and manliness in him he gave him the office of Sar Chatar-dar [Head of the state canopy- bearers]. During the reign of Razia Sultan , he stood by her like a pillar through thick and thin times. He helped her break the 40 Amirs and strengthen her rule, he also helped her in over throwing the rule of Shah Turkan and her son ,Ruknuddin Firoz who were very cruel. Due to his services to her and the Sultanate, she made him the Governer of Bhatinda which was under the rule of the Delhi Sultanate.

Some historians say that, it was because of Malik Altunia's undying support and protective shield towards her, that she managed to rule successfully for four years. This fact made sense because, after he left for Bhatinda the Turkish nobles started to conspire against her and spread rumors about her and Jamal-ud-Din Yaqut, an Abyssinian Siddi (Habshi) slave, and she began to meet her downfall.

Razia Sultan Husband Name Generator

Love for Razia Sultan[edit]

Razia Sultan Husband Names

Altunia and Razia were childhood friends, some claim them to be childhood sweethearts. He had aimed to be her royal consort one day, but Razia's busy life and heavy responsibility as a Sultan wasn't something that she could overlook. Hence she kept turning down his repeated proposals for marriage. When he became the governor of Bhatinda, Razia started relying on an Abyssinian Slave named Jamaluddin Yaqut who was loyal to the Sultana. Yaqut in a short span had acquired great position and rank. From a simple Amir-i-Akhur (Lord of the stables), he became Amir-ul-Umra (Chief of the Nobles). The position of Amir-ul-Umra was earlier held only by a Turk of highest order. The growing rumour between the illicit relationship between Yaqut and Razia made him jealous and so he led a rebellion against her .

It is now accepted that Malik Altunia was her first and last love. The rumors of Yaqut were only spread by Turkish nobles to put the Sultana's image down. Many well known historians also believe that the rebellion was simply a way of getting her back and to protect her from the evil eyes of people like Kabir Khan and the Turkish Nobles who always wanted her downfall because they could not accept a woman sitting on the throne. Mount Elphiston describes Malik Altunia in his book as 'the safest hands Sultan Razia could ever be placed in.'

A battle ensued between the lovers, Yaqut was killed and Razia was captured and taken as prisoner. While in prison, she was kept in royalty and Altunia visited her regularly. She was allowed to go to Hajirattan mosque to offer prayers on Fridays in a special palki. The changing nature and extreme care melted the anger of Razia Sultan and she won him over once again with her love clearing the misunderstandings once and for all. As a result she was released and the lovers got married.


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By the way after their marriage they stayed together for months and not ultimately waged war against Bahram as written on many fake sites. Altunia , brought forth Sultan Razia from the fortress of Bhatinda , assembled forces, and marched towards the capital.However, their plan had little chance to get success still they tried. Both Razia and Mirja were defeated on October 1240. They fled Delhi and reached Kaithal the next day, where their remaining forces abandoned them. They both fell into the hands of Jats and were robbed and killed on the date corresponds to October 13, 1240.

Razia Sultan Tv Show

There is a claimed burial site where Razia Sultana was buried in Kaithal and Altunia was also buried next to her.There was also a masjid nearby.

Razia Sultan Husband Name

Viceroy of India (Lord Linlithgow) in 1938 came to kaithal to visit Razia's tomb. He approved a special grant for the restoration of the tomb. After that Director General Archaeology India visited the tomb but due to second world war, the grant could not be spent on the restoration.

Razia sultan cast

A.H. 638 (October 1240). They fled Delhi and reached Kaithal the next day, where their remaining forces abandoned them. They both fell into the hands of Jats and were robbed and killed on the 25th of Rabi' al-awwal A.H. 638, this date corresponds to October 13, 1240. but unfortunately both were killed by jats and robbers. (This is the most accepted version of history).

In popular culture[edit]

In 2015, &TV started airing a TV series on the life of Razia Sultan, starring Rohit Purohit as Malik Altunia which highlighted both, her tough journey towards becoming a Sultan and her much spoken about passionate love life with Altunia .


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